Howard University Hospital

Employer's Perspective:
"Since dedicating the employee breastfeeding space, we have also received comments from other staff about extending their breastfeeding experience as a result of the facility. For staff who cannot always leave work stations to pump, briefly borrowing an employee breastfeeding room pump for use closer to duties has made a difference in their breastfeeding duration. It is in the employee breastfeeding room that staff have the opportunity to read more about breastfeeding perusing the lending library, and about external resources via the supplied DC Breastfeeding resource guides. There is a promotional quality to having workplace breastfeeding support on site when discussing integration of breastfeeding into busy lifestyles during prenatal visits, discharge planning, and with WIC consumers. It is encouraging for them to hear how HUH staff and students maintain exclusive breastfeeding while working, and that help can be available to support breastfeeding efforts at their own worksites. It is by example of breastfeeding support for HUH employees that many patients learn of federal and state laws requiring employers to provide accommodations for breastfeeding, and get advice to contact their human resource departments for more information."

Employee's Reaction:
I would like to thank you for making it possible to have a safe peaceful designated location for pumping. I have a 5 year old daughter and a soon to be 1 year old son. I am proud to say that I am still breastfeeding my 1 year old. I know for a fact that if not for this room I wouldn't have been able to go this long upon return to work. When I returned to work after having my daughter this room did not exist: so, I literally had to try to pump while standing up in the locker room. With many interruptions of staff coming in to use the bathroom etc. I was not able to able to have a steady flow while pumping . This was disheartening and not conducive to maintaining a supply. Consequently I did not breastfeed my daughter as long as I am breastfeeding my son. I commend you for making this room available. The pumps in the room are more efficient than the personal pumps . These pumps that are in the breastfeeding room are not even available for purchase ( I've checked ) . The breastfeeding room is quiet, safe and most importantly private. I can not thank you enough. This designated room also helps us nursing moms get respect from our coworkers to even take a pump break.

P.O. Box 29214, Washington, DC 20017 • Tel 202-470-2732 • email

Medical Disclaimer: The information presented here is not intended to diagnose health problems, breastfeeding problems, or to take the place of professional medical care. If you have persistent breastfeeding problems, or if you have further questions, please consult your health care provider. The DC Breastfeeding Coalition does not share partnership with, or have any vested interest in, any of the businesses that may appear on this site, or sites that may be accessible by links herein contained.